Saturday, October 23, 2010

Back to normal(ish)

So once again it's Friday night at the desk...

It's parents weekend= lots of random parents around til midnight, then the girls leave for parties and come back at the wee hours of the morning.

This doesn't seem to be smart considering the game starts at 11:21 tomorrow...

Speaking of, I'm glad I got my nap in earlier because I likely won't be able to sleep til tomorrow night after 10ish. Crazy!

I slept out at the stadium last night, and it was surprisingly comfortable. It was kinda cool to fall asleep under the stars of Fayetteville and wake up when people were walking by to go to class (in a socially acceptable manner haha)

I have the most amazing friend for bringing me a drink to my shift :) Thanks Ciara!!!

I really hope it doesn't rain for gameday. Painting would NOT work. Not to mention how miserable it would be.

A girl just asked if she could feed the fish. 1) It's 1 AM, go to bed. 2) No, that's done during the day. 3) Don't pout when I say no. It's a fish, you're not 5.

The blustery wind keeps making the doors slam shut. It's kinda funny to watch the girls jump as they walk in.

dear insomnia,

We're doing this again?

sincerely, College Student

ha ha I like

How did I finish a Route 44 in an hour and a half?! shift is over! Now time to shower and get ready for the game! WPS!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

An eerie October night

So over half of campus has left this weekend...there are about 20 cars left in the parking lot.

I honestly don't even feel like typing tonight...I'm watching Beauty and the Beast..shhhh.

Ciara came and kept me company, but I decided to release her of her friendly duties so she could get some rest. No need in both of us suffering.

I'm going home tomorrow!! I've seen my parents twice this week already, but I wanna go home. I haven't been in a while, and it'll be nice to get away.

I haven't seen anyone in about 30 minutes. Getting really creepy quiet.

Nathan showed me Kingdom Hearts 2 last's awesome. I wanna learn to play (if I ever have time)

I can't wait to sleep! Waaaaay too many early mornings this week. I had 11 hours of RESPECT from last Friday to today. So much for only needing 70 a semester!

Well, like I said, not really into writing tonight. So that's all.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Desk...It's OCTOBER!

Wow the time has really flown by! October already and a chill of fall in the air. Gotta love this time of year.

So I will only have about an hour and a half of randomness tonight since my epic friend, Ciara, came and entertained me for a long while tonight. My girls and I went late night at Papa John's/Quizno's and then to Bikes, Blues & BBQ for the sight. Add in some fro-yo, stargazing in the Greek Theater, and hot chocolate from Starbucks= Amazing time!

So if you walk in intoxicated, don't shush obviously...I'm not dumb.

I didn't post last week because I took the night off to camp out for the Alabama game...totally worth it! Crazy night, can't even begin to explain. Little sleep and slight dehydration made my sickness worse though, and I felt almost dead after the game. It took the rest of the weekend to recover.

Jimmy John's at 3AM? Poor delivery guys.

So I love being a pledge...I get tons of gifts :) I got a sundae glass filled with candy and a calculator and a bracelet from Phi Rho, and a red velvet cake with my name spelled out in Sour Patch kids from my APO big sis. Such cool stuff!!

I missed my family. I felt bad that I wasn't really up to visiting after the Alabama game. I get to see my brothers and their families tomorrow (today) for the Beauty and the Beast sing-along movie. Wish my sis and her family could come too!

Hey now, you're an All Star, get your game on, go play.

So many people left campus this weekend. It's pretty quiet except for all the bikers.

Sleeeeeeepy. It was a hectic/busy day. I'll be glad to sleep in my nice warm comfy bed.

A group of girls came up when we were sitting out at the Greek Theater, and they reminded me of my group last year. Then it struck me, I'm already looking back on college days. I feel old.

Along the same lines, my high school's homecoming was tonight, and I really didn't care either way. Last year I was upset that I didn't get to make it back for homecoming. This year I haven't even paid attention to who they're playing and what the scores are. It's a bit weird, but I'm moving out of my small town roots.

I met a lot of people camping out last week. It's an awesome feeling to walk around and know so many people on such a large campus. It makes me feel like I'm actually doing something besides killing myself with academics and service while I'm here ha ha shift is FINALLY coming to an end. Til next week, Woo Pig Sooie! (I know it's an off week but still)